
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How to Train the Jillian Michaels Way for Maximum Fat Loss

How to Train the Jillian Michaels Way for Maximum Fat Loss

Biggest Loser star trainer Jillian Michaels is now famous for her ripped abs, muscular arms and a training style that is part drill Sargent and part counselor. The key to this training style is sticking to a low calorie clean eating plan and mixing up your work-outs daily. To achieve maximum weight loss follow these steps on how to train the Jillian Michaels way.


    choose healthy, clean food

    Eat clean, healthy meals. The key to maximum fat loss and seeing all that muscle you have been training is through proper nutrition. The best work out in the world is not going to do you any good if you are not eating right. Choose to eat raw fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and complex carbohydrates daily. Avoid simple carbohydrates like white pasta, bread, cookies and pastries instead opt for brown rice, whole grains and gluten free pastas. Keep your fat burning at its maximum by eating five to six low calorie meals a day.

    Work out daily doing different movements

    Work out daily. To lose maximum fat you need to burn off extra calories every day. If you have ever watched the Biggest Loser TV show you know Jillian Michaels trains her clients hard. The key is to mix up your work-outs, to keep your muscles in shock. Muscle has memory, and if you do the same exercises over and over every day you will not get the most benefits. You should do a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training and stretching. Set at least one hour aside a day to move your body and stick to it!

    take a well balanced vitamin and mineral supplement

    Take your vitamins. Dr. Andrew Weil recommends taking a nutritional vitamin and mineral supplement every day to help so gaps in the diet may be avoided. A quality vitamin supplement should have at least 100% of vitamin B's, C, D and E. Taking a complete mineral supplement is also recommended. Jillian Michaels now has her own line of supplements available at many drug stores.

    Stay positive and give yourself positive body affirmations!

    Stay positive. A healthy mental attitude will help you succeed in attaining your weight-loss and fat-loss goals. Focus on parts of your body that please you instead of the ones you do not like. Tell yourself daily that you are healthy and strong and have a great body. Keeping a positive state of mind will help you make better choices getting you to your ideal body faster.


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