
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Diet for Tendinitis

Tendinitis is pain in the tendons of the body caused usually by over use, injury or arthritic conditions. Some common sports-related versions of the condition are tennis elbow and Achilles tendinitis at the back of the heel. The injury or over use causes micro-tears in the tendon that result in inflammation and pain. While a variety of drugs are often prescribed for tendinitis, there are dietary approaches that can help reduce inflammation and alleviate the pain.


    Repetitive stress activities and injuries are the most common causes of tendinitis, although arthritis can be a cause as well. Basically, inflammation and pain develop when the tendons are pulled too aggressively or unevenly by the body.


    Typically, doctors prescribe rest, ice and a variety of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for this condition. In severe cases, steroids, cortisone or surgery can be indicated.

    There are a wide variety of dietary approaches to dealing with tendinitis. Beyond a well-balanced diet low in fried, sugary and processed foods, adding vitamin supplements, herbs and other natural substances helps reduce inflammation, control pain and even encourage the body's natural production of collagen.


    Collagen production can be encouraged by taking Vitamin C supplements. The produced collagen helps repair tears in tendons and other soft tissue. Regular doses of Vitamin E will also help with collagen production and keep excessive scar tissue from developing that can cause limited flexibility in the tendon. Antioxidants like Vitamin A can also help avoid damage from free radicals. Glucosamine and Lysine, while not strictly vitamins, can help with their anti-inflammatory properties.


    Tumeric is a powerful, natural anti-inflammatory. Using it in cooking or dissolving 1 tsp. a day into a glass of water can help with all sorts of inflammatory problems. Vinegar is also a very fine, natural anti-inflammatory. A 1/4 cup of apple cider or white wine vinegar a day helps keep the tendons flexible and lubricated. Both of these substances can cause heartburn, so use care if you choose to add them to your regular diet.


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