
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Should I Eat Only When Hungry on Atkins?

Eat When You Are Hungry

    "When following the Atkins diet plan you are encouraged to eat whenever you feel hungry," according to Food choices are heavily focused on protein and fat rich foods. These foods will keep you feeling satisfied for greater lengths of time. It is important to listen to your body's signals and choose acceptable Atkins foods when you are hungry.

Eat a Small Snack When You re Not Hungry

    According to "When you are not hungry, eat a small controlled carbohydrate snack to accompany your nutritional supplements." The Atkins diet encourages eating liberal amounts of high protein and fat rich foods. As your blood sugar begins to level off, you will feel less hunger. It is important to continue eating at regular intervals but the portion should accurately represent how hungry you are.

Bottom Line

    You should eat at regular intervals throughout the day on the Atkins diet to keep your blood sugar regulated. Since you will be eating foods that are filling, you may not feel hungry. However, you should eat a small carb-controlled snack if you have not eaten in two hours. When you are feeling hungry, try eating a larger meal but avoid stuffing yourself. You should feel satisfied after a meal but not full.


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