
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What Are the Treatments for a Ventral Hernia?

Ventral hernias are protruding bulges in the abdomen which are usually painless. They occur when the bowel, intestines or some other organ pushes through a weak spot in the abdominal wall. Also called incisional hernia, this is caused by thinning or stretching of surgical scar tissue.


    Home treatment of ventral hernia includes drinking plenty of fluids and eating a high fiber diet. You can also exercise, maintain a healthy weight and not smoke.

Abdominal Support

    Ventral hernia treatment includes a special belt called a truss. Patients wear the truss to support the hernia which will prevent it from bulging out.

Back Support

    Avoid heavy lifting and abdominal strain. If your job or other activities require heavy lifting you may need to wear a back support garment.


    Ventral hernia treatment can include surgical repair in which the hernia is pushed back into place and the abdominal wall is repaired or strengthened to prevent another hernia.


    Ventral hernia surgical treatment can cause nerve damage, groin numbness and damage testicular function. Ventral hernias can lead to strangulated intestines which cause gangrene.


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