
700 Calorie Diet

The culprits behind weight gain are no great mystery. Most people usually pack on the pounds because they eat too many calories and don'...
Posted by | 1:07 AM

Low GI Diet Meal Planner

While there are countless diets and meal plans doing the rounds these days, each claiming a different way in which to lose weight, there is ...
Posted by | 1:07 AM

How to Lose 10 Pounds a Week by Diet & Excersise

Losing 10 pounds in body weight can be achieved in one week by using a combination of diet and exercise. The introduction of a diet that is ...
Posted by | 1:11 PM

Acupuncture & Weight Loss

Acupuncture is a Chinese medical theory in which extremely fine needles are inserted into specified locations on the body. Acupuncture is us...
Posted by | 1:11 PM

Diet for Silent Acid Reflux

Silent acid reflux disease is actually a condition called laryngopharyngeal reflux. The condition is silent because a patient does not have ...
Posted by | 1:11 PM

How Many Carbs Should I Eat Daily to Lose Weight?

Limiting carbohydrate intake is one form of dieting. Doctor Robert Adkins' Recommendations The late Dr. Robert Atki...
Posted by | 5:57 AM

The Best Cardiac Diet

The best cardiac diet will help lower your "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and increase your "good" cholesterol (HDL). Promulgat...
Posted by | 12:19 AM

A List of Low Glycemic Foods

The glycemic index (GI) is a way of ranking carbohydrates by the effect they have on the body's blood glucose level. Foods are considere...
Posted by | 1:07 AM

What Is a Good Diet for Gout?

Gout is an acutely painful type of arthritis caused by a build up of uric acid in one of the body's joints. Chronic gout occurs with rep...
Posted by | 1:11 PM

How Many Carbs for a Diabetic Diet?

According to the American Diabetes Association, learning more about the way carbohydrates affect blood glucose levels is the main factor beh...
Posted by | 3:50 AM

About Low Glycemic Foods

Low glycemic foods are foods that score less than 55 on the Glycemic Index food chart. The Glycemic Index gives foods a numerical rating bet...
Posted by | 1:15 AM

What Is the Weight Watchers Diet?

What is the Weight Watchers diet, and why is it one of the most prominent and successful weight loss programs in the world? Weight Watchers ...
Posted by | 1:11 PM

Diet With Low Glycemic Foods

Living in a time when diabetes is on the rise, knowing about the glycemic index can help you make healthier food decisions. A diet with low ...
Posted by | 1:15 AM

Consumer Reports for Weight Loss Pills

Consumer reports regarding weight loss pills are in general not positive. For the most part, consumer reports have found no evidence that we...
Posted by | 9:16 AM

Foods Diabetics Can Eat

There are no foods that diabetics truly "can't" eat, but there is a recommended diet high in the following foods. This list w...
Posted by | 1:07 AM

Foods With No Carbs

Watching your carbohydrate intake can seem like a daunting task. Learning to distinguish the difference between zero carb, low carb and high...
Posted by | 2:28 PM

Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss

While ketogenic diets have long been used to control epileptic seizures in children, they have also been used in recent years to achieve wei...
Posted by | 5:57 AM

How to Create an Atkins Diet Menu Plan

Atkins is a reduced carbohydrate diet that can help with reducing and successfully maintaining a healthy weight. It's a lifestyle change...
Posted by | 12:19 AM

Type of Nuts to Eat on Atkins Diet

Based on the book "Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution," published in 1972 by Dr. Robert Atkins, the Atkins Diet restricts intake of c...
Posted by | 12:19 AM

Foods to Eat on a Diabetic Diet

Diabetics can develop hyperglycemia (excessively high blood sugar) if they are not careful about foods that they eat. According to the Ameri...
Posted by | 6:40 AM

What Foods Are Good for Dogs Fighting Cancer?

Every dog owner dreads a diagnosis of canine cancer. According to The Best Years in Life website, 50 percent of all tumors in canines are re...
Posted by | 6:40 AM

South Beach Phase 1 Shopping List

The South Beach Diet is a popular diet program that focuses on reprogramming the metabolism and correcting poor eating habits to promote op...
Posted by | 5:57 AM

Causes of a Man Losing Weight Too Fast

Diagnosis Weight loss occurs when the body does not absorb as many calories as it uses. Rapid unintentional weight loss in men may be...
Posted by | 9:16 AM

High Alkaline Low Oxalate Foods

Low oxalate foods are those that contain low levels of oxalates, chemicals commonly found in plants that can lead to conditions like inflamm...
Posted by | 5:36 PM

What Foods to Eat With Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a serious disorder that can affect your health and the health of your baby. It is similar to other types of diabetes...
Posted by | 2:24 PM

1200 to 1500 Calorie Diet

You can achieve healthy weight loss on a 1,200 to 1,500 calorie a day weight-loss plan, provided you cut unhealthy fats and add more fiber a...
Posted by | 9:16 AM

Prostate Cancer Diet

Adhering to a strict diet, specifically designed for cancer patients, can contribute significantly in the fight against prostate cancer grow...
Posted by | 11:28 PM

Foods That Give You Energy

Foods That Give You Energy

The Best Foods for Diabetics to Eat When Pregnant

Pregnancy is the time to get lots of rest, exercise and monitor your diet. When you have diabetes you have to be especially cognizant of wh...
Posted by | 8:23 AM

Diet for Hypertension & Diabetes

Hypertension and diabetes sometimes go hand-in-hand, and both of these conditions can be considerably worsened or considerably bettered by h...
Posted by | 8:23 AM

How to Follow the Sacred Heart Diet

The Sacred Heart Soup diet is a diet that proposes a strict diet for you for a period of seven days with a net result of several pounds of w...
Posted by | 11:28 PM

How to Plan a Low Calorie Diet

If you want to lose weight, one of the least complicated methods is to eat a low calorie diet. If you use more calories than you consume, yo...
Posted by | 5:36 PM

Weekly Plan for a Diabetic Diet

Living with diabetes can be frustrating. Planning each week's eating and exercise schedule may limit daily freedom but can help greatly ...
Posted by | 2:24 PM

The Best Diabetic Diet Foods to Eat

The best diabetic diet foods are the ones that a diabetic can feel good about eating, time and time again, because with every bite the diabe...
Posted by | 2:24 PM

Healthy Diet Plan for People with Liver Problems

A healthy liver breaks down the food we eat and converts it into energy, as explained by the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). L...
Posted by | 8:23 AM