
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Safflower Oil & Weight Loss

Safflower Oil & Weight Loss

Safflower oil is a polyunsaturated fat. It is derived from safflower seeds. Consuming safflower oil daily can help increase metabolism and decrease body fat percentages.

Misconceptions of Safflower Oil

    Many people assume that fatty oils cause weight gain. However, unsaturated oils such as safflower oil are associated with weight loss and other health benefits such as decreased risk of heart disease and lower glucose levels.

Types of Safflower OIl

    Safflower oil can be consumed as a supplement or in its liquid form. In a study conducted by The Ohio State University, subjects were given eight supplements per day divided into doses of two pills prior to each meal and prior to bedtime. The equivalent dose of liquid oil would be about 1 2/3 tsp.

Effects of Safflower OIl

    Safflower oil has been shown in recent studies to decrease body fat and lower body weight. During Ohio State University's 16-week study, subjects lost 3.2 percent of their body fat on average.

Theory of Weight Loss with Safflower Oil

    The Ohio State University researchers speculate that safflower oil consumption increases the production of the adiponectin hormone, which in turn may have triggered faster and more efficient fat burning.

Other Benefits of Safflower OIl

    Safflower oil may also improve fasting glucose levels in diabetics and may also help to decrease the risk of heart disease.


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