
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Foods to Balance Hormones

Foods to Balance Hormones

According to the SpaceAge website, female hormonal imbalance can cause migraines, mood swings, PMS, irregular and heavy periods, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease, vaginal dryness, disinterest in sex, water retention, bloating, osteoporosis, confusion and infertility. Naturopathic doctor Loretta Lanphier says male hormonal imbalance can cause erectile dysfunction, breast growth, PMS-like mood swings, loss of muscle strength, low sperm count, prostate enlargement, hair loss, insomnia and emotional volatility. Nutrition can help balance hormones and reduce these symptoms.


    The Peruvians have consumed maca since the 16th century, according to the Maca Magic website. Maca is an adaptogen and contains the building blocks necessary to create any steroidal hormone. According to Master Herbalist James Green, author of "The Male Herbal," maca can be helpful in balancing both male and female hormonal levels and may effectively assist couples who are experiencing infertility due to hormonal imbalances.

Raw Foods

    Health4YouOnline recommends that individuals eat a healthy, balanced diet to help balance hormones. Diet should be varied and contain fresh broccoli, greens and fruit. Nuts and seeds are also healthy choices.

    Dr Northrup recommends brightly colored fruits and vegetables; tomatoes; red, yellow and green peppers; and plenty of leafy green vegetables. Leafy greens like collards, kale, mustard greens, cabbage, brussels sprouts and turnip greens can provide taste and variety.

    James Green recommends artichoke, spinach, beet greens, endive, wild lettuce, young dandelion leaves and cress.


    Free-range chickens; cold water fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna; eggs; almond butter; turkey and small amounts of organic, lean beef are healthy protein choices for maintain a balanced diet and balanced hormones. Breakfast should include protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.

    Hormone imbalance expert Dr John R. Lee advocates that individuals who eat soy limit the amount and type of soy. He points out that the typical soy products available to the American public are not traditional Japanese soy products. Traditional Japanese soy products are fermented and do not contain textured soy protein, soy protein isolate or whole soybeans. He also notes that the phytoestrogens in soy can block mineral and protein absorption, and so diets high in soy can be unhealthy.

Foods to Avoid

    While looking at foods that balance hormones, one needs to avoid foods that create the hormone imbalance. Avoid refined carbohydrates such as white sugar, white flour, white rice, most American junk foods and soft drinks. Processed meats, meats containing growth hormones and many commercial dairy products upset hormone balances. Caffeine can make hormone imbalance symptoms worse.


    Men and women can both benefit from supplemental phytoprogestins like wild yam cream. Natural progesterone cream not only balances the estrogen components of the body and diet, but it also helps to balance thyroid and adrenal hormones.

    James Green recommends saw palmetto, panax ginseng and red raspberry for men. Dong quai, vitex, red raspberry and blue cohosh are recommended for women.


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