
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What to Snack on While Doing Atkins Diet

The Atkins Diet is a popular and effective way to lose weight. Because the diet limits the intake of carbohydrates, snack time can be a challenge. Learning to find healthy, Atkins-approved low-carb snacks is an integral part of being successful on this diet.

Low-Carb Snacks on the Go

    The Atkins Diet produces effective weight loss results in those who follow it correctly. Finding snacks that are acceptable on the Atkins Diet isn't hard if you know where to look.

    Keep track of all carbohydrates consumed when eating or drinking anything on the Atkins Diet. These recommended choices are low in carbohydrates, but like other Atkins foods, must be included in your total daily carb count.

    Have items on hand like cubed cheese or meats, cold cuts, cut veggies (other than carrots) with ranch dip, sugar-free gelatin, sugar-free ice pops and pork rinds to keep you on track on Atkins. These products are low in carbohydrates and will keep you within your allotted carb count.

    In the latter stages of Atkins, foods like berries, nuts, seeds and even apples, plums and peaches can be consumed in moderation.

    More excellent Atkins snack options: cottage cheese sprinkled with sunflower seeds; apples slices and natural, unsweetened peanut butter; string cheese; prosciutto-wrapped cheddar cheese cubes; a handful of walnuts or almonds; a cup of read-made sugar-free gelatin with a dollop of real whipped cream.

Pre-Packaged Snacks

    Atkins sells a line of carbohydrate-conscious snacks and shakes. Granola bars, candies and baked goods are available to use as supplements for snacks and meals. These products are available at most larger grocery stores, pharmacies and specialty food stores.

    Low-carb versions of ice cream are available in your grocer's freezer.

Things to Remember

    Remember that the net carb content is what matters most while following the Atkins Diet. The net carb content can be calculated by deducting the grams of fiber from the amount of total carbohydrate grams. For example, if a serving of toasted almonds has seven grams of total carbohydrates and four grams of fiber, the net carbs, or countable carb count, is just three grams.

    Snacking is an important part of the Atkins Diet because it keeps you feeling satiated and helps keep blood sugar levels balanced, which means you'll experience fewer cravings throughout the day. Be sure to snack frequently on Atkins-approved foods to obtain the best results from the Atkins Diet.


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