
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What Is a Healthy Diet for Liver Disease?

The human liver is a vital organ, and liver disease can be deadly. "Everything you eat, drink and breathe passes through your liver," says the American Liver Foundation (ALF). "It is your body's filter."
As the body's filter, it also converts all the elements you consume into energy. ALF recommends a balanced diet from all the food groups to promote liver health.

Balanced Diet

    Children learn about the basic food groups in school, and ALF recommends using those lessons to prevent or live with liver disease. "Eating a healthy balanced diet protects the liver from working too hard," the organization says. A balanced diet should include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, protein, dairy products and fats.

Fruits and Vegetables

    These foods are high in fiber and water content, and according to ALF, foods that are fiber-rich help the liver function optimally. The produce section at the grocery store provides the best choices and the selection can be kept simple, or if you like to try new things try some exotic fruits. Try to eat at least one serving of fruits or vegetables with each meal and snack.

Whole Grains

    Consider switching your current menu to include whole grain foods, such as 100 percent whole grain breads, brown rice, quinoa, barley and oatmeal. The Mayo Clinic lists alternatives to refined grains and stresses that, "whole grains haven't had their bran and germ removed by milling, making them better sources of fiber" than refined grains. Eat one serving of whole grains three times a day.


    Protein is vital for muscle maintenance and development. Mayo Clinic nutritionist Katherine Zeratsky, says good protein "choices include fish, beans, lentils and low-fat dairy products." You can include lean meats, like poultry and bison, but eat them in moderation, as they can contain more fat and cholesterol for the liver to process than the other protein sources. You should eat 4 oz. of lean protein at the main meal of the day. Smaller meals and snacks should include 2 oz. of lean protein.


    Dairy products make up their own food group and are a lean protein source. Include at least three daily servings of lean dairy products in your diet. The National Dairy Council reports, "studies suggest that increasing intake of dairy foods or dairy-food nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D may help prevent weight gain or be beneficial for weight maintenance." Weight maintenance and control is important in controlling liver disease.


    When planning your liver-healthy diet, consider not only the amount of fat, but the types of fat as well. Minimize your intake of saturated fat and trans fat, as well as cholesterol-laden foods. recommends, "When choosing fats, your best options are unsaturated fats: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats" and Omeag-3 fatty acids. Some examples of these healthy fats are olive oil, avocado, fatty cold-water fish and nuts. Include healthy fats in snacks and meals, but keep them to a minimum, as even too much of a good thing can be bad for you.


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