
Monday, December 30, 2013

The Best Foods to Eat for Diabetes

The Best Foods to Eat for Diabetes

The best foods to eat for diabetes are foods that would be beneficial additions to almost any diet. Most are packed with fiber, nutrients and flavor in addition to the positive effects they have on blood glucose readings.

High blood glucose (blood sugar) levels can lead to devastating damage to many systems of the body. The kidneys, the nervous system and the eyes are particularly vulnerable to the effects of improperly controlled levels.

Bitter Melon

    The juice of bitter melon has been shown to lower blood sugar (studies tested fresh juice from unripe melon to obtain this result). While Americans may require time and exposure to get used to the bitterness, the melon is considered both a regular food and medicine in Asia, where it is frequently used in the treatment of diabetes.


    Include beans with diabetic meals to slow digestion and spread out the time it takes to absorb nutrients. Beans can do more than keep blood sugar levels steady; they can actually reduce them.

Cereals, Grains

    Whole grains and cereals are packed with fiber (as are broccoli, beans and nuts), which helps regulate digestion, appetite and blood sugar. They are also often fortified with additional nutrients, which can help diabetics to meet their daily requirement for vitamins and minerals.


    Add a selection of nuts to a diabetic diet to experience the multiple benefits of the healthy fats they contain. Those fats reduce insulin resistance. The magnesium in nuts helps regulate blood sugar levels, and vitamin E can protect against eye damage.

    The hormone insulin is necessary to enable cells in the body to use blood sugar (glucose) for energy. Insulin resistance means that the body does not respond as it should to insulin. When cells resist insulin or fail to respond to it, excessive amounts of glucose are left unused in the blood, causing high blood sugar readings.


    Broccoli appears to reduce some of the vascular damage done by high blood sugar by assisting the body in producing protective enzymes. A British study showed broccoli may reverse complications of diabetes through this process.

Fish Oil

    Omega 3 fatty acids may reduce heart disease risks, help keep arteries free of blockage, and improve triglyceride levels. Combining fish oil with fiber may be beneficial for lowering high cholesterol levels. These acids also lower blood pressure, fight inflammation and help the body's immune system function.

    Since nearly all diabetics are at increased risk for heart attack, these multiple assists provided by omega threes are essential tools to help reduce the chance of heart-related problems.


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