How Low You Can Go
Many low-carb diet plans start with very few carbs: 20 g per day in the first or "induction" phase of the Atkins Diet or under 50 g per day in Michael R. Eades' MD's Protein Power plan. This range is considered to be the most effective for a typical low-carb diet program.
Very Low Carbs Can Seem Too Restrictive
Weight loss relative to carbohydrate intake is highly individual. According to Primal Eating Plan proponent Mark Sisson, people can consume 100 to 150 g of carbs per day---one-third to one-half of the typical American's consumption---and still lose weight while allowing more food choices and decreasing the likelihood of giving up on the program.
Bottom Line
A low-carb diet plan offers the flexibility of starting at 20 to 50 g per day and increasing carb intake until weight loss tapers off or stops. Or dieters can begin at 100 to 150 g per day and decrease the amount if necessary to find the optimum carb intake for sustained weight loss. Before changing your diet, contact your doctor.
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