
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Avocados for Weight Loss

Avocados have long been a source of debate in the dieting world. Dieting is widely considered synonymous with cutting fatty foods, but avocado fruit, with its rich, creamy texture is packed full of "good" fat. Replacing bad fat with good fat (like the fat found in avocados) can aid in the weight loss process. Avocados contain plenty of vitamins and nutrients, making them suitable for any weight loss regimen.

Weight Loss

    The American Heart Association recommends a diet that is low to moderate in fat. According to The Calorie Control Council, an organization that promotes healthy eating and exercise, 30 percent or less of calories should come from fat. Because fat is essential in all diets, it may be hard to decide which fats to ingest and which fats to cut. Reduced fat foods, or "fat replacers," can often act as a healthy substitute for fatty foods in the diet. Fat replacers provide the taste and texture of high fat foods without the harmful excess of cholesterol, fat, and calories fatty foods contain.
    The American Dietetic Association has confirmed that reduced-fat food options help maintain the food selection process, making dieting for weight loss an easier transition.


    Avocados serve as an ideal fat replacer. According to, due to the avocado's mono and polyunsaturated fat content, they act as a healthy substitute to foods rich in harmful saturated fat. A 1 oz. serving of avocado contains 0 mg cholesterol and sodium, and only 0.5 mg saturated fat. Avocados not only help replace "bad" fat in a diet, but offer other nutritional incentives for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Avocados are loaded with nearly 20 vitamins and minerals including vitamin E, vitamin C, folate, fiber, iron, and potassium. One 3 oz. serving of avocado contains 76 mg beta-sitosterol, a nutrient proven to help maintain a healthy cholesterol level. Beta-sitosterol is also a nutrient that promotes healthy prostate in men.


    Try using a few small slices of avocado (50 calories, 5 g of fat) on a sandwich in place of fat-rich mayonnaise, which contains nearly 100 calories and 11g of fat per 1 tbsp serving. Avocado works well in omelets in place of cheeses. Cut up a few slices of avocado to top a salad instead of using regular salad dressings, which are loaded with excess calories and fat.

    Replacing just a few fatty foods with nutrient-rich foods like avocados can be beneficial to weight loss and healthy living.


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