
Monday, March 31, 2014

The Best Fat Burning Diet & Workout

Losing some weight is simple, but reaching your ideal physique is a challenge that eludes all but a few. While you might be able to "wing it" if your goal is only to lose a handful of pounds, you will need an increasingly staunch level of discipline as your goals become more lofty. Thus, if you are truly serious about commencing a weight-loss regime, you will need both an effective diet and an effective workout plan to go the distance. To do this, you need the power of the original Atkins diet, coupled with the effectiveness of Total Body Training.

Atkins Diet

    The Atkins Diet was the first to put the low-carb diet on the map. Although countless variations are available on the market, those serious about weight loss should strive to the original because the Atkins Diet has helped thousands upon thousands of people reach their target weight. It can help you, too.

    To follow the Atkins Diet, you will have to endure a two-week induction period. During this time, you must keep daily carbohydrate intake under 20 grams. This is the phase when most people abandon the diet, so stay vigilant and keep your eyes on your goal. After the initial two weeks, you may consume 40 grams of carbs per day, but limit your intake mainly to vegetables (preferably green fibrous veggies like broccoli, cucumber, spinach and lettuce) for maximum nutrition and effectiveness. Once you reach your target weight, begin increasing daily carbs by 5-10 grams per day, stopping when you reach the point of weight gain, and cutting carbs back to your individual critical carb number (the maximum number of carbs you can consume daily without gaining additional weight). Keep daily carbs at or below this level to solidify your weight loss and maintain the physique you have struggled to earn.

Total Body Training

    Total Body Training is a perfect system to couple with a low-carbohydrate diet. On a low-carb diet, energy levels for intense bouts of exercise are naturally low due to depleted glycogen stores in the body. Thus, you will want a system that works the entire body as efficiently as possible to avoid feeling excessively run-down while dieting. Total Body Training accomplishes this by scheduling just three training sessions a week, making this a solid system for dieters without much time for exercise.

    To perform Total Body Training, choose six exercises to perform each session. Four of these exercises must be compound movements like squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, bench presses or dips. The remaining two movements can be isolation exercises such as curls or tricep extensions. This ensures that the balance of your workout is spent performing quality "bang for your buck" exercises that will burn fat and stimulate muscle growth. As far as sets and reps are concerned, Total Body Training operates by using an alternating scheme. On day one of the program, perform three sets of five for every exercise. On day two of the program, perform three sets of eight. And on day three, perform three sets of 15. This alternating progression will allow you to drop weight toward the end of the week when your body is tired, but still maintains a sufficient workload for sustainable fat loss.

    When the Atkins Diet and Total Body Training are performed in tandem, the result will be an improved physique in less time than it would take through either diet or exercise alone. Good luck!


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