
The Best Fat Burning Diet & Workout

Losing some weight is simple, but reaching your ideal physique is a challenge that eludes all but a few. While you might be able to "w...
Posted by | 5:10 PM

How to Achieve Ketosis in a Low-Carb Diet

The term "in ketosis" refers to a ketone-based diet. When a low carb dieter is able to significantly reduce carbohydrate intake, ...
Posted by | 6:57 AM

High Protein Low Glycemic Diet

When looking to lose weight, you are naturally interested in the most efficient ways to complete the task at hand. One popular dieting solu...
Posted by | 2:07 AM

How to Start the Atkins Diet

How to Start the Atkins Diet

How to Make Weight Loss Soup

Losing weight is simple: Simply eat more healthy food and less junk food while getting more exercise and burning calories. Soup recipes prov...
Posted by | 10:16 AM

Low Glycemic Index Diet Foods

The glycemic index measures the effect certain foods have on blood glucose levels. High glycemic index foods will raise blood glucose much f...
Posted by | 2:15 AM

Colitis Diet Foods

Colitis is a disease that causes inflammation in the intestines and other areas of the body. A person with colitis can have frequent flare u...
Posted by | 7:40 AM

How to Improve Hair and Nails Through Your Diet

Our physical traits are mostly determined by genetics, but you can help nature along with changes in your diet. To get your hair and nails i...
Posted by | 2:11 PM

List of Foods to Eat While on a Diet

When you embark on a weight loss adventure, it's essential to make a list of foods to eat while on a diet. These foods will help you kee...
Posted by | 7:40 AM

What Is High Glycemic Food?

The Glycemic Index (GI) is a rating system for different types of foods. All foods either increase, decrease or maintain blood sugar levels ...
Posted by | 2:07 AM

How to loose weight in two weeks on a protein diet

The world of dieting and nutrition is fraught with debate about what works and what doesn't. However, new research from the University ...
Posted by | 3:28 PM

How to Do the Ideal Protein Diet

A surge of low-carbohydrate diets has inevitably led to a higher protein intake. The dangers of some protein diets is their welcome acceptan...
Posted by | 2:11 PM

Liquid Diet Cures for Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is the swelling and infection of pouches, or diverticula, that develop abnormally in the intestinal wall. Diverticulitis is a...
Posted by | 7:14 AM

List of Fast Carbohydrate Foods

With so many fad diets available, it can become difficult to research and understand their individual complexities. The glycemic index diet ...
Posted by | 2:07 AM

What Are the Ingredients in the Cabbage Soup Diet?

The cabbage soup diet has been around for many years and it is a popular method to loose up to 10 pounds in a relatively short time. There ...
Posted by | 7:14 AM

How to Follow the Japanese Morning Banana Diet and Lose Weight

A Japanese doctor and his pharmacist wife recently created the banana diet. The diet is all the rage in Japan, and has caused a shortage of...
Posted by | 1:19 AM

Miso Soup & Weight Loss

Miso soup has a wide range of health benefits and can help you lose weight because it only has 25 calories per bowl. With those 25 calories,...
Posted by | 10:16 AM

How to Do a 30 Day Wedding Diet

Every bride wants to look her best on her wedding day. A 30-day detox diet is perfect for a bride who wants to shed 10-15 pounds and cleanse...
Posted by | 7:14 AM

Diet Pills That Work Fast for Women

Almost every woman would love to pop a diet pill and put an end to her dieting woes. And there's almost no limit to the number of ads cl...
Posted by | 6:57 AM

What Foods Contain Low Glycemic Carbs?

The glycemic index measures the effects of certain carbohydrates. Carbohydrates that raise blood glucose levels only small amounts are categ...
Posted by | 2:15 AM

Foods That Raise Blood Sugar Levels

Foods with high glycemic index will raise the blood sugar. The glycemic index measures the effect of carbohydrates on the blood sugar. All f...
Posted by | 2:07 AM

How to Lose Weight During Your Period

Since the woman's body bloats as it retains water, it is the reason why it is hard to lose weight during a period. Not to say that losin...
Posted by | 3:28 PM

Foods Not to Eat on the No White Diet

There is no exact definition of a No White diet, but the premise is simple. Remove all white foods from the diet for 2 to 4 weeks, and kick ...
Posted by | 3:28 PM

What Foods Are a Good Source of HDL Cholesterol?

HDL, or high-density lipoprotein, is actually a protein made by the body and is not a component of food, according to the University of Mass...
Posted by | 7:40 AM

How Many Carbs Per Day on a Low Carb Diet?

Since the late 1990s there has been widespread enthusiasm for achieving weight loss through a low-carb diet. Seen by some as a "diet cr...
Posted by | 6:57 AM

Menus for a No-Carb Diet

Diets low in or void of carbohydrates, like the Atkins diet, are popular and effective methods for weight loss. The question is: when eating...
Posted by | 1:19 AM

The Best Foods for Mediterranean Diets

A Mediterranean diet consists of whole foods, which are largely plant-based. Followers of the Mediterranean diet enjoy a wide range of healt...
Posted by | 1:19 AM

Low Potassium Diet for Kidneys

Potassium is a mineral that is present in many foods and keeps the heart beating properly and helps nerves and muscles to function adequatel...
Posted by | 7:14 AM

How to Follow the Flat Belly Diet

The Flat Belly Diet is an extremely popular diet plan based on calorie counting and the strategic addition of monounsaturated fats to meals....
Posted by | 1:19 AM

Which Foods Can Be Eaten on the No Sugar & Flour Diet?

Dr. Peter Gott's No Sugar, No Flour Diet follows a simple principle: Eliminate from your diet all foods containing added sugar, and flou...
Posted by | 2:28 PM

What Foods Are Low on the Glycemic Index?

Low glycemic foods require the body to release less insulin, which is a hormone supplied by the body to process excess sugar in the bloodstr...
Posted by | 1:07 AM

The Best Weight Loss Diet for Menopausal Women

Menopause, the end of a woman's menstrual cycle, and perimenopause, the years before menopause, often mean gaining weight. Estrogen loss...
Posted by | 9:16 AM

Gluten-Free Foods Good for Type 2 Diabetics

There are two types of diabetes. In type 1, the pancreas does not produce sufficient amounts of insulin, a hormone necessary for cellular u...
Posted by | 6:40 AM

How to Start A Vegan Diet

A traditional American diet includes large portions of meat and dairy products. These products can be high in calories, saturated fat and ch...
Posted by | 6:14 AM