
What Are Fast Carb Foods?

Carbohydrates have the responsibility to supply energy to the body, specifically to the brain and the nervous system. Carbohydrates are divi...
Posted by | 10:56 PM

Low Glycemic Index Diet Foods

The glycemic index measures the effect certain foods have on blood glucose levels. High glycemic index foods will raise blood glucose much f...
Posted by | 3:38 AM

Foods Diabetics Can Eat

There are no foods that diabetics truly "can't" eat, but there is a recommended diet high in the following foods. This list w...
Posted by | 7:59 PM

Cayenne Pepper & Lemon Cleanse

Harmful toxins build up in your body over time. The Master Cleanse, sometimes called the Lemonade Diet or the Cayenne Pepper and Lemon Clean...
Posted by | 5:23 PM

How to Ease Stomach Rumbling

If you've ever heard a noise that sounds like a rattling garbage truck emanating from the direction of your stomach, you know how distur...
Posted by | 2:31 AM

Diabetic Diet Meal Plan

Although diabetes is a serious disease, it does not absolutely have to change a person's quality of life. In fact, as long as a person c...
Posted by | 6:44 PM

High Protein Low Glycemic Diet

When looking to lose weight, you are naturally interested in the most efficient ways to complete the task at hand. One popular dieting solu...
Posted by | 3:38 AM

How to Feed a Pet Tortoise

There are several kinds of tortoises commonly kept as pets. You need to know exactly what kind of tortoise you have in order to feed it prop...
Posted by | 2:31 AM

No Carb Diet Meal Plan

The Atkins Diet is what most people think of when they think of a low- or no-carb diet, but these types of diets have been around for a long...
Posted by | 3:17 AM

Foods That Control High Blood Sugar

Foods That Control High Blood Sugar

A List of Low Glycemic Foods

The glycemic index (GI) is a way of ranking carbohydrates by the effect they have on the body's blood glucose level. Foods are considere...
Posted by | 3:38 AM

7-Day Mayo Clinic Diet

According to a study conducted at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, 86 percent of Americans will be overweight...
Posted by | 9:37 AM

List of High GI Foods

The glycemic index (GI) ranks foods according to the amount that they raise an individual's blood sugar level. Foods with a high GI (gen...
Posted by | 10:56 PM

Sugar Free Diet Plan

A sugar free diet plan can include many types of food, but you should always check the ingredients to make sure you are not adding "hid...
Posted by | 3:17 AM

How to Eat While Training for a Marathon

To support the rigors of marathon training, you need to eat well, and scientifically. But don't forget a dose of good, sound common sens...
Posted by | 2:31 AM

Diet Plans for 14-Year-Old Girls

Planning a diet for a teen girl can be tricky. Many teen girls suffer from bad self esteem or a skewed body image, and may resort to crash d...
Posted by | 9:37 AM

What Is High Glycemic Food?

The Glycemic Index (GI) is a rating system for different types of foods. All foods either increase, decrease or maintain blood sugar levels ...
Posted by | 10:56 PM

How to Obtain a Weekly Diet Meal Plan

A weekly diet meal plan must be something satisfying, yet healthy and low calorie. You also must limit your grocery shopping to once per wee...
Posted by | 6:44 PM

The Best Quick Weight Loss Diet

To lose weight extremely fast, you must dramatically reduce the calories you consume so that they are far fewer than the calories exerted. T...
Posted by | 5:23 PM

About Low Glycemic Foods

Low glycemic foods are foods that score less than 55 on the Glycemic Index food chart. The Glycemic Index gives foods a numerical rating bet...
Posted by | 3:38 AM

How to Reduce Triglycerides With Diet

Just like high blood pressure and high cholesterol, elevated triglycerides levels contribute to heart diseases. Triglycerides is a fat found...
Posted by | 6:44 PM

Slow-Carb Diet Foods

Instead of the "low carb" approached espoused by Atkins and others, some nutritionists instead promote what is called a "slow...
Posted by | 10:56 PM

How to Avoid High Glycemic Foods

The glycemic index of foods is determined by the level at which food elevates blood sugar. Foods that have a glycemic value of 70 or more ha...
Posted by | 3:38 AM

How to Get a Small Waist & Big Hips

Reducing your waist size while increasing your hip size takes a three-pronged effort: changing your diet to reduce the fat on your waist, pe...
Posted by | 2:31 AM

List of Low GI Foods

The glycemic index (GI) is a ranking of how carbohydrate-containing foods raise blood sugar levels, on a scale of 0 to 100. Low GI foods are...
Posted by | 10:56 PM

Ideas for Low Carb Snacks

A common question among low-carb-diet enthusiasts is "what do I eat for snacks"? Because snack foods like potato chips, candy, ice...
Posted by | 2:31 AM

A Pescatarian Diet Plan

A pescetarian diet is often seen as a transition toward becoming a vegetarian. It includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, legumes and bea...
Posted by | 2:31 AM

Foods to Avoid on a Low Carb Diet

Carbohydrates are essential for your body to function properly, especially high-fiber foods such as beans and whole grains. But some carbohy...
Posted by | 2:31 AM

How to Start the Low GI Diet

The glycemic index, or GI, of a food refers to a value assigned based on the increase of a person's blood sugar levels as a result of ha...
Posted by | 10:56 PM

Liquid Diet to Lose Weight Fast

Although it was conceived decades ago, the liquid diet has seen a resurgence in popularity owing to its simplicity and effectiveness in stim...
Posted by | 5:23 PM

How to Follow the Sugar Buster Diet

The sugar buster diet, like all low-carb diets, is based on the principle that insulin, created when we eat sugar and some carbohydrates, pr...
Posted by | 7:59 PM

Foods That Increase Blood Glucose Levels

One development in the field of nutrition is the glycemic index. The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly foods increase one's bl...
Posted by | 10:56 PM

How to Lose Weight with the 5 Day Diet

The 5 day diet, otherwise known as the 5 day miracle diet, is a diet that is designed to help individuals lose weight quickly. By focusing ...
Posted by | 9:37 AM

How to Lose Chest Fat Quickly

Different products claim to burn off calories and build muscles in your chest overnight. Unfortunately, it is completely up to your own indi...
Posted by | 3:17 AM

Fruits for Diabetic Diets

There are many myths about diabetic diets and the foods that you should or should not eat. While some fruits contain more sugar than other s...
Posted by | 10:56 PM

How to Detox Your Body With Lemons

A lemon detox diet is a natural and healthy way to clean the toxins out of the body. This detox diet is a combination of lemon juice and wat...
Posted by | 5:23 PM

List of Low and High Carb Foods

A well-balanced diet has the right mix of proteins, vegetables, fruits and carbohydrates. According to the National Institutes of Health, im...
Posted by | 7:59 PM

How to Lose Weight by Eating Raw Tomatoes & Cucumbers

Raw foodists believe that raw foods contain more enzymes than cooked food, assisting in the body's natural metabolism. Both cucumbers an...
Posted by | 5:23 PM